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The New System to Strengthen the Digitalization of the Electricity Industry

Akkord+ is a digital platform which was developed in collaboration with EVU, TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne and The Danish Union of Electricians in an effort to make it easier for electricians and their businesses to benefit from the piecework agreements. Because the system was developed with a ‘mobile first’ approach, it can be used from all relevant devices – whether you have your mobile phone with you at a construction site or are at a computer at the office. An intuitive user interface makes Akkord+ easy to use for registering work, quickly provides an overview of a project status, and enables ongoing adjustments to salary rates.



Vi leverede:

End-to-end projekter


Interface design, User experience

A Simple Concept with a Complex Nature

Being on piecework is a well-known concept; it is a salary system that allows you to earn more if you work faster. It is popular among electricians, because it creates fairness in the salary, heightens a feeling of co-responsibility for a project, and even allows for greater flexibility in the everyday life. Unfortunately, managing the piecework is also a complex matter. The piece rate is often based on so-called ‘objectively assessed time frames’; centrally assessed assembly times for every piece of material. But there are more than 800,000 different pieces of material and possible supplementary benefits for each task, and all of it must be registered properly.

Need for Innovation

A construction project often faces changes, which may affect the piecework. Extra tasks may be added, or the management may decide to switch to a new type of materials such as a type of wiring or light switches with different assembly times. The old piecework system could not handle this kind of changes, so the need arose for a new, more flexible system. That is why EVU, TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne and The Danish Union of Electricians approached Mjølner to develop Akkord+.

“Mjølner has been a professional partner who has managed to gather all the threads in a complex project involving many different stakeholders.”

Jesper Rønnow Simonsen, Business Manager at EVU

The goal with Akkord+ was that it should be able to handle the many pieces of material, the potential changes during a construction project, and the need for a continuous overview of the work process. Finally, it had to run on all platforms. It was particularly challenging to create a solution you can easily build integrations for, and which has a user friendly and intuitive user interface. This is where Mjølner’s vast experience with UX becomes a factor.

“Mjølner has had a clear focus on easy use, and the result is an intuitive solution with tailor-made functions and an improved user experience.”

– Kim Nielsen, Chief Consultant at EVU


Various skill sets were in play to create the best product possible. To ensure a product with high operational reliability, the specialists from Mjølner’s Quality Assurance have been part of the process from the beginning, and Mjølner’s Application Operation team is in charge of operation, maintenance and support. The many differing focus points have required a strong project management to keep the process on track.

”Careful planning and management has been crucial to the success of the project – it this is another area in which Mjølner has delivered.”

Kim Nielsen, Cheif Consultant at EVU

The finished Akkord+ went live in January of 2024. It can be accessed via mobile, tablet and PC, and it is a definite upgrade of the digitalization for the electrical industry.

”Akkord+ is a Minimal Viable Product which modernizes and digitalizes specific business processes in the everyday lives on construction sites nationwide.”

– Jesper Rønnow Simonsen, Business Manager at EVU


EVU is the Educational Secretariat for electricians and plumbers, and they ensure quality of educations and continuing education. EVU collaborates with businesses, schools, and education committees to brand the educations within the industries.

TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne is the fourth largest employer organization in Denmark, representing approximately 41,000 businesses within electricity, plumbing and metal working. They are in charge of negotiations of salary and work agreements and offer counselling on e.g. staff, education, and legal matters.

The Danish Union of Electricians is a union for everybody working in electrical engineering. They have 28,000 members working under more than 70 different agreements. The union works on improving working conditions, developing educations, and ensuring training leading to qualifications in green transformation.

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