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Mjølner assists Ceribell with TouchGFX

Mjølner serves as American Ceribell’s implementor and supporter of TouchGFX Graphical User Interface (GUI) on their ground-breaking medical device – an EEG system – for diagnosing possible seizures within minutes by any healthcare provider.



We delivered:

Software consultants


Embedded user interface development

Graphical User Interfaces are a major trend in industries around the world – and with good reason. Users today are ’spoiled’ with fantastic touchscreens and graphics via their smartphones. But smartphones are expensive for a reason, and few companies can afford to implement these features on all their hardware.

The software, TouchGFX, has changed all that. TouchGFX was invented in Mjølner Informatics, and today we implement and support TouchGFX for companies all over the world.

Mjølner is the World-Leading TouchGFX Implementor

TouchGFX is a user-friendly graphical C++ tool that lets customers create revolutionizing embedded graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with high-end graphics and maximum performance on energy efficient hardware.

Mjølner is the world-leading TouchGFX implementor, as the product was originally invented under our roof, but was later sold to STMicroelectronics. Today, Mjølner has a close collaboration with ST, and we help customers all over the world with implementation of TouchGFX on their hardware.

Ceribell is a Silicon Valley tech company that has invented a product with the potential to revolutionize the medical industry. The product Ceribell makes early diagnosis of non-convulsive seizures possible. Previously, it has often been too time-consuming to detect whether a patient is experiencing potentially critical seizure activity. With Ceribell, any healthcare provider can detect seizures and initiate proper treatment immediately – thereby preventing high risk of permanent brain injury.

Introducing Ceribell Rapid Response EEG, a system designed for set-up and triage of seizures within minutes by any healthcare provider.

“TouchGFX and the implementation support provided by Mjølner have been instrumental in enabling Ceribell to create an intuitive user experience for our device. This allows our users to focus on treating their patients instead of struggling with cumbersome and difficult to use equipment.”

Raymond Woo, CTO, Ceribell

Intuitive User Experience and Cost-Effective Hardware

One of the main values of Ceribell is that it should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Therefore, a fast-responding touchscreen with clear and easy-to-understand graphics was crucial. At the same time, the product should not break the budget for medical facilities, so super expensive hardware was out of the question. Enter TouchGFX.

Mjølner assisted Ceribell with the development of the GUI in TouchGFX. Implementing mockups, adding functionalities, review, and debugging were some of the necessary tasks that Ceribell depended on Mjølner to take care of.

The collaboration has been seamless, and Mjølner continues to add value to Ceribell’s groundbreaking product.

The Ceribell EEG system is designed for rapid set-up and triage by any healthcare provider.

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“We have the technical expertise to help customers world-wide with implementing TouchGFX – an enormously value-creating software that enables user-friendliness on cost-effective hardware. We believe it is the absolute best answer to the question that many companies all over the world are asking themselves: how can we meet the expectations of our customers that are used to the high standards of expensive smartphones and, at the same time, not break their and our own budgets?”

Søren Thestrup, Project Manager, Mjølner Informatics

The client

Ceribell is focused on making electroencephalography (EEG) widely accessible, more efficient, and more cost-effective to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients at risk for seizures. They’ve created and validated an FDA cleared instant EEG system that does not require an EEG technologist or specialist interpreter, which allows for faster results and clinical decision making. The Ceribell EEG System can be set up by any healthcare provider in six minutes and offers a proprietary Brain Stethoscope function that dramatically simplifies interpretation of EEG results by converting brainwaves to sound so seizures can be detected by listening. Earlier diagnosis and focused treatment for patients with seizures, including non-convulsive seizures that can only be diagnosed with EEG, can significantly lower mortality, secondary brain injury, length of stay, and risk of complications.

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