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Pop-up lab with DBA’s users

Mjølner helped DBA with a pop-up lab for their users

Unhappy users are bad business for DBA. Their platform depends on the users’ willingness and ability to post items in order to sell used goods. This makes a user-friendly approach important.
Mjølner helped DBA bring their employees and users together in a pop-up lab in order to pick their brains about the good and the bad about DBA’s “sell-your-items” flow, new ideas, and the overall user experience of DBA’s platforms.


Finance & Retail

We delivered:

Digitalization advice


User experience, Design thinking workshop

DBA brought their employees and users together in a pop-up lab in downtown Aarhus.

For 2 weeks, the employees picked the brains of their users, detecting the good and the bad about DBA’s “sell-your-items” flow, new ideas, and the overall user experience of DBA’s platforms.


Unhappy users are bad business for DBA. Their platform depends on the users’ willingness and ability to post items in order to sell used sweaters, chandeliers, tools, and what not. This makes a user-friendly approach important.

DBA are frontrunners in utilizing click-statistics, and they are constantly perfecting their platforms. When it comes to user experience, statistics do not always cut it. User experience is all about getting a holistic picture of the users’ likes and dislikes.

The software developers used the pop-up lab as the setting for hands-on user tests and interviews. With a qualitative approach to the individual users, DBA’s employees were able to reach their users in a new and alternative way, providing new inspiration for their daily work.

“Big data is not always enough. We need to get our hands dirty.”

Nikolaj Gjeding Larsen, CEO, DBA


December is a busy time for DBA, and they needed some help in order to get the most out of their user interaction. This is where Mjølner came in.

With only 20 hours dedicated for this project, Mjølner managed to find the right questions, create interview guides, and coach the DBA employees during the pop-up lab.

This ensured that DBA got what they set out for – good and inspirational conversations with Mr. and Mrs. Denmark about their “sell-your-items” flow experiences and wishes.


One of the main findings was that the users want to be able to see their ads before publishing them. A simple and rather understandable suggestion, but one that the software developers did not realize.

CEO, Nikolaj Gjerding Larsen, was more than pleased with the project, and he wants to use the same set up in the future. The pop-up lab and DBA’s work with user centricity made the headlines with an article in Børsen.

If you have a Børsen membership, you can read the article here.

“Mjølner is a great business partner and one that we trust to do the job. We have used Mjølner consultants before, and it came natural to us to ask them again. The job they delivered was as always of high quality.”

Christian Dürr, Software Developer, DBA

The client

Den Blå Avis og, are Denmark’s largest distributor of purchases and sales between private individuals. The company was founded in 1981 by Jac Nellemann , who, after publishing the first edition of the paper, was joined by Karsten Ree as a partner. Today, the is owned by American eBay. The company employs approx. 200 employees, located at the domiciles in Aarhus and Frederiksberg.

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