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Vi får vores kunder fra idé til værdiskabende digitale produkter. Vores faglige diversitet er vores største styrke, og med over 300 eksperter kan vi helt sikkert også hjælpe dig.

Meet up

Zephyr & MJølner

Get to know more about the Zephyr project and the people who work with it. 

Join us for an evening of insightful talks and networking opportunities with industry professionals. This event is perfect for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge and making valuable connections. If you want to delve deeper into Zephyr development this event will provide you with different perspectives on how to work with the Zephyr platform. 

Don’t miss this chance to enhance your expertise and grow your professional network!


Tuesday 12th November 2024 – from 16.30 – 22.00


Mjølner Informatics‘ canteen: Valhal Finlandsgade 10 8200 Aarhus N


Product Owners, IT managers, Technical Project Managers, Scum Masters, User Experience-designers, Product Managers, Architects and Software Developers.

Catering during the event

Snacks during the day and sandwiches and beers in the evening. 


16.30 – 17.00: Doors open – welcome & networking

17.15 – 17.45: Mjølner talk – Agile Product Development with Zephyr 

18.00 – 18.30: ST Microelectronics – STM32’s role in the Zephyr ecosystem

18.30 – 19.15: Dinner and booths in Asgaard

19.15 – 20.00: Nordic Semiconductors: Stop creating threads! Share them instead.

20.00 – 20.15: Break 

20.15 – 21.00: Qt – More with less, Qt with Zephyr 

21.00 – 22.00: Drinks, networking and booths in Asgaard 

Visit the Booth area 

How does Mjølner use Zephyr?

Mjølner is committed to being the preferred supplier for physical digital prototypes, with a strong focus on rapid prototyping, multi-source design, and security. To deliver on this commitment, we use the Zephyr platform for: 

  • Supporting our Multi Source Design strategy and to strive to deliver solutions that are as vendor- and hardware-agnostic. 
  • It allows us to provide our clients with the flexibility and adaptability needed in today’s fast-paced tech environment.
  • Enabling us to offer robust solutions that align perfectly with our customers’ diverse needs, ensuring rapid prototyping and enhanced security in every project we undertake. 

meet the speakers

Agile Product Development with Zephyr 

Agility is a long-standing tradition in software development, while hardware development often leans towards a more waterfall-like approach.  
This talk explores the potential of extending agile methodologies to also include hardware development. Through examples, in context of Zephyr, we will highlight some derived benefits in the intersection between the hardware and software domains – including decoupling from unreliable supply-chains.

Bent Bisballe
Senior Embedded Solution Architect
Mjølner Informatics

Bent Bisballe

Bent Bisballe Nyeng (MSc CS) is working as senior embedded solution architect at Mjølner Informatics in Aarhus, Denmark. He specializes in embedded and UI development, where he works with tailoring solutions to customer needs as well as counselling and training.

Follow Bent on LinkedIn

 STM32’s role in the Zephyr ecosystem

The presentation will look at STM32’s role in the Zephyr ecosystem, how we support it and what the ST strategy is.

Bruno Vunderl
Embedded SW Product Marketing Engineer

Emil Damkjær Petersen

Emil part of the STM32Cube ecosystem marketing team, responsible for defining the solutions offered to support our STM32 microcontrollers.

Follow Emil on LinkedIn

Stop creating threads! Share them instead

Threads are just about the most expensive object in multithreaded embedded systems. They hog the RAM like no other and bring a seemingly infinite number of new and exciting ways of breaking programs with concurrency issues. 

This talk will focus on presenting the problem, and a way of solving it by sharing the precious few threads we have instead of creating new ones.

Bruno Vunderl
Embedded Software Engineer
Nordic Semiconductor

Bjarki Arge Andreasen

Bjarki is an R&D Engineer at Nordic Semiconductor, who is the maintainer of the RTC, GNSS and modem subsystems, with 3 years of experience working with the Zephyr Project.

Follow Bjarki on Github

More with less, Qt with Zephyr 

So far, development of applications for MCUs has often been constrained by specifics of each of the proprietary MCU platforms. With Zephyr gaining more and more traction, we see that Zephyr is becoming a universal and indispensable part of MCU development. Qt has always stood for platform independence on desktop, mobile, embedded MPU and MCU devices. In this talk we are going to show how Qt and Zephyr collaboration can enable accelerated graphics and quick development cycles on a broad range of devices. Step by and learn what’s next!

  Amit Nainawat
Director of Solutions Engineering
Qt Group

Amit Nainawat

Amit is a Director of Solutions Engineering at Qt, helping a wide range of industries to build their next generation products based on Qt Framework. For over 20 years he has worked in different digital industries including digital television, fabless semiconductor industry and industrial automation. Before joining Qt, he worked for 12 years in the embedded systems field as a Solution Architect. 

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Bruno will be a part of the talk held by Qt together with his colleague Amit NaiNawat. In 2023 Bruno created a port of Qt for Zephyr with focus on Nordic nRF53. During the talk Bruno will guide you through the process and present new developments such as accelerated graphics and much more.

Bruno Vunderl
Product Lead
Qt Group

Bruno Vunderl

Bruno is a Product Lead at Qt. From his student days in Croatia, Bruno was very interested and involved in building automotive user interfaces, embedded devices and microcontrollers. Before joining Qt, he used Qt to create instrument cluster UI for automotive industry – you might have already driven a car with UI he developed. 

Follow Bruno on LinkedIn

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